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Sugar Daddy Diary

Friday, June 11, 2010

What makes some girls (I just call them girls because they are 20 and I am 40's) get really drunk (as in plastered) and just have sex with random older men? Like Little Kim did with me for example? Why would someone have 10 strong drinks and then just fuck someone? If they need to get so drunk, then the sex part can't really be that much fun, and they should just stay home. Is it a self esteem thing? Or do they just want to sleep with 50 people before they reach the age of 30? And how come a 22 year old would have slept with 20 people? I am not conservative nor moral, and I am always glad to oblige the Little Kim's of the world, but I sure hope my little daughter doesn't turn out like that.


Blogger Eden said...

Sex when in that happy medium of having had a few drinks happens to most of us, and then there are some of us who have had sex when we've been totally blitzed. As one-offs I think these can be forgiven, but it's definitely a problem when it becomes the norm. After all, don't people like to know what they are engaging in? I know I do!

For the Little Kims of the world who prefer to get absolutely trolleyed before each and every sexual encounter (I'm guessing she does, who knows?), it's maybe that they are lacking confidence or are nervous to engage in intimacy sober (body image issues? Lack of confidence in ability? Not really attracted to the other person? Not mature enough for sex?). It can be a game for some people too, to just enjoy being taken out, getting blasted and bedded - I know many people who fall into that category (British drinking culture, tsk!). I don't condone it because it's destructive. You run the risk of getting to a point where you just can't have sex unless you've had a good few drinks in your system. And then again, I have a few friends who have unexpectedly entered into parenthood because of this.

Noone wants anyone they love to turn out like that. But you can't help every person who is like this either. Some might question those girls are adults, but at that age and in the eyes of the law, they are, and they are responsible for their decisions/actions. I guess the best thing I can say is to look out for both your safety (sexual and otherwise) when you are with them.

June 12, 2010 at 10:58 AM  
Blogger David said...

Eden you are very wise... I think she def had body image issues that's why she kept asking me if i find her attractive, if her arms are fat etc etc etc

June 12, 2010 at 5:51 PM  

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