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Sugar Daddy Diary: SB virgin

Sunday, June 27, 2010

SB virgin

Now that I am retired from the SD business, old memories are coming back and I want to write them down before I get too old and senile. I remember 21 year old Natasha. I was in fact quite surprised when she told me she was nervous to meet me and that I was the first person she had met from that site. I never met a SB virgin before.

We had arranged to meet at a 'surf' bar in Brooklyn. I showed up at the appointed time, decided to take a seat at a table inside, chatted a bit with the bartender, and waited. And waited...She had texted me she would be there in just a minute. But after she was 20 minutes late I texted her 'If you don't show up in 5 minutes I am leaving'. No response, so I left. I was not angry, just surprised that someone would confirm their arrival, and then change their mind literally 2 minutes before the meeting took place.

The next day I texted her 'So what's your excuse?'. Just a few seconds later she replied 'Actually I don't have one. I just got really nervous before I met you, at the last minute'. I was taken aback by her immediate honesty and any irritation I had disappeared. I responded 'I know sweetie, I was a college student once. I won't bite you. It's just a simple drink among friends. Come meet me tonight at 6:30 at Lanza's, a low key and old fashioned Italian on the lower east side, and a favorite of mine. I will call you before hand to make sure you are not scared'. 'OK, I promise I won't get scared' she said.

We finally met at the restaurant and sat down next to each other and we talked in a relaxed way. She paid me several compliments during the night, 'you are cute', or 'I am attracted to you', 'If we get along I will take down my profile from match dot com' etc. All very flattering. She was pretty good company for someone who seemed totally out of place and nervous. And I really liked the fact that she wasn't scared to do a couple of shots of Sambuca with me.

The subject of 'sugar' came up and she said she would prefer to be with someone that she likes as a person first, and then other stuff happens. I said that I was in total agreement with her. She asked me if I could help her on that night. I sent her away with $$$ on account that she was flat out broke and in the process of being evicted. I never got anything in return, other than a promise that next time 'we will have fun when you come to see me in Brooklyn'. Did that ever happen? Let me dust off my old yellow paged notebook....

There was something awkward about her, due to her young age and total inexperience. She was inexperienced in both the sugar life, but possibly even the real dating life as well, so you could say this was a double whammy. Did I find that cute in any shape of form? Not really, because it got in the way of things. It's always better when the lady has some experience at least, and all (or some) kinks have already been worked out by another man. This way, this man, SD David, can reap some more benefits. Incidentally, that is exactly why I used to lust over older women, whilst in my twenties. Warmth, maturity, and most of all, experience.


Blogger Sir BL said...

I can completely relate to avoiding girls inexperienced to the sugar life. You have to hold their hand through the entire breaking in process, with her potentially struggling with getting used to things you may take for granted.

However sometimes, an experienced girl can be bad as well. One girl always liked to bring up a previous SD, and how they did things. She may have intended it as constructive criticism, or proposing new ideas, but no one likes to feel like they're constantly be compared to someone else.

June 27, 2010 at 1:12 PM  
Blogger David said...

@Blue: very true on both counts

June 27, 2010 at 3:03 PM  

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