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Gift Lists & Allowances

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Sugar Daddy Diary: Gift Lists & Allowances

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gift Lists & Allowances

Here is what the various sugar babies over the years asked me to do for them (What did I ask them to do in return? wouldn't you like to know...)

Amanda: she was just trying to get out of a heavy debt load. So no shopping trips for her, just cold hard cash

The Engineer: she wanted to go shopping, but the few times she asked me I just felt too bored to go shopping with her so I just gave her a cash equivalent that she had specified, and asked her to go shopping on my tab. On hindsight that may have been a bit rude, but I just can't stand shopping.

Malone: trying to pay back he loans from law school, so she also wanted cash, and then of course dinner at the best restaurants, drinks etc.

J.Lo: cash again, so she can pay utilities, phone bills

Come to think of it, they all wanted cash. With some, such as Eva hottie and the Brown beauty we did go shopping to Bloomingdales, and down to the Greenwich Village. They really liked shoes so we shopped for that

Denise from NY: I flew her down to Houston when I first moved here, cuz I missed her. We did gifts, museums, 5 star restaurants, brunch at the Zaza Hotel, a grand old life...

Brazilian: she didn't want cash, just gifts such as the most expensive perfume she could think of, a personal trainer etc. I really enjoyed shopping for her. Don't know why, I usually hate shopping, period. But in her case, she just looked like a little kid receiving gifts, so it was fun shopping for her.

So most of the SB's I have met wanted tangible gifts, either cash or presents that they could not afford themselves. I have been asked for an allowance a couple of times as well, and I gave that. That allowance amount was at $3K per month. Red asked for that, and then the single mother I met when I first started in this wanted that as well to cover rent. In general, I felt a bit awkward giving an envelope with money in it. To me that felt a bit too mechanical and more like a business transaction. It does have the advantage that you just do it once a month and then its done. But it also has he disadvantage that that the SB's may be tempted to just take it and leave because the would be getting the full amount in one shot without much effort on their part. So the gradual, step by step approach is more appealing to me. This way both parties get a little and give a little, and they are not too tempted to cheat.


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