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Drinks with Mona

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Sugar Daddy Diary: Drinks with Mona

Monday, April 5, 2010

Drinks with Mona

I met Mona for a little farewell drink at her favorite Tex Mex place, the one right next to the Zingara swimwear store: well, summer is indeed upon us and the poor girl needed a swimsuit. So...I figured it would be a nice little goodbye gift. So we go in and she picks a couple of models. I was the only man there and was starting to feel a bit self conscious, as I never liked shopping around to begin with. I would rather give someone the cash and then they go shopping.
After that we went for a quick drink early in the afternoon. Since I resigned my previous position and taking the week off I have been feeling like a bum. But sometimes its really nice to just go to a restaurant around 2pm in the afternoon and be among the few people there. Its all so peaceful.
At a table across from us, were three business mean on some type of lunch meeting. mid 40s to mid fifties in age. One of them kept looking at us, probably wondering what is this 40 year old guy doing with someone who is obviously not his daughter (or niece) and is 20 years younger. At some point, Mona, who had also noticed him, turns to me and says "if this guy gawks at us one more time I will give him the finger". To which I though to myself how embarrassed I would be, and what a way to get kicked out of a fancy restaurant.
During our conversation I told her about my plans to find a sugar momma. She starts laughing because she didn't believe me, so I had to set her straight. I NEVER kid about such things. She told me I should just do it for the fun of it, but then I said: "yeah but how about some profit as well". She still thought I was crazy. She commented that if I post a picture I should definitely show my hair, as it really hot. Flattering indeed, but I never thought that hair can be hot unless it is on a woman. And then we started discussing how would a date with a sugar momma be: maybe she would ask me to just comb her hair, or keep her company and talk to her. And what if she was really hairy or with bad hygiene and she really wanted me to have sex with her? Would I be revolted, or would I have to go through with it? Hmm, I would rather not think about those scenarios. Hopefully all the sugar mommas I meet will be at lest mildly attractive.

Later, she asked me why I stopped seeing her. And I just told her that the last time were together, she seemed to be more interested in the TV than me. Therefore, there was no point in hanging out. "But David, I am a certified TV addict, it had nothing to do with you, and that's why I don't keep a TV in my bedroom". Oh well, what's done is done.
This date was more of a 'friend' type of meeting, I was not in a mood to do anything, I was in one of those contemplative moods. So we just go to her car and sit down, and she pulls her seat backwards and then requests a neck massage, to which of course I acquiesce. After a few minutes of that I move my hand upwards toward her scalp and focus my attention there and massage her hair a bit as well. That felt good to her because she asked: "How did you know to do that"? Hey lady, us SD's do know a couple of tricks, we're not chopped liver y'a know.
Anyways, we decided to end it there and go our separate ways.


Blogger GypsyBaby said...

How long had you been seeing her?

April 5, 2010 at 2:57 PM  
Blogger David said...

We saw each other a few times only, so a total of a couple of months.

April 5, 2010 at 3:11 PM  

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