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Sugar Daddy Diary: Aug 7, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sugar Baby Rankings

The first place goes to Malone (aka Kristyan, aka Rose). It was a liaison that felt totally real. She made the comment once that 'David, if you were not married I would snatch you in a second, you're so hot'. I felt the same about her. I felt there was a deep chemistry, something going beyond the physical and the 'business' aspect of this. She said I rocked her world, and I fell for her in a way I hadn't fallen for someone in years. It's almost as if the money aspect was just an excuse for us to meet and fall for each other. Good thing I ended it: since I am already married, I can't be falling for anyone else.

Second?? Amanda. She is so cute I feell like spanking her butt right now. Especially now, after that 'lending episode', lol. She one of those gals that I just can't be mad at for more than one day. She just makes me smile: can't control it.

Third goes to the Brazilian: her hearty laughter and her zest are contagious and I almost fell for her. If I wanted to party all day long I would hang with ther, there would never be a dull moment. Gomez (and all others): I didn't really know them enough to be ranked.
To all you sugar babies: THANK YOU for making my life more memorable when I needed you