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Sugar Daddy Diary: Jun 29, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Scatter brain?

I must be getting too old for this or just plain forgetfull, but I just can't recognize any of the phone # I see that called on my cell. I simply can't put a number to a woman's name or face anymore. It's getting to the point where I need to stop this.

I heard from Alvarez

and couldn't believe my eyes. After 2 months of not seeing each other and me specifically saying: 'I can't see u anymore', she writes: 'Hey hun how are you, just checking on you'. I guess some people never get the message.

Tina again

I am waiting outside the place for like 30 minutes and she texted me that she is stuck in traffic. I am so freaking annoyed! She can't leave her house sooner? I texted her to turn around and go back, but she insisted on meeting. So we met, and I am glad we did because she brought over the blindfolds. it was nice. And she squirted too, which I consider an added bonus, and very flattering.

Tina's daughter

Once, I got a response from a young lady, 18 years old, living about an hour away. I noticed she had some unique looking earrings. Her name was Michaela. I responded back but we never met for whatever reason. A few weeks later, I was talking to Katina about her kids, and sure enough she said she had an 18 y.o. daughter who does online dating sometines, and has this strange looking set of earrings!. Holy Molly. Imagine having mother and daughter in the same bed.!Unfortunately it never happened. Too bad, that's what great porn is made of.

Eva hottie cont'ed

I hadn't seen her in a few weeks, so met again and had dinner at the Tonic, in Chelsea. Another great place. We then go again to my favorite hotel, and while I was signing in, the hotel clerk was giving her some strange looks. I didn't think anything of it. But as soon as we went upstairs, she starts crying, and then takes off saying that the guy downstairs was her cousin. I don't know if this was just an excuse or if it was real, but it sucked! I felt totally dumped.

Eva hottie

We met though an online site, and aranged to have a meeting at Rothman's one of my favorite steakhouses in Midtown (53rd and Madison). I highly recommend the place, by the way, every single item on the menu is excellent. So we were talking, and she asked me if I wanted her to spank me. And she said that loud enough that the 2 business people in the table next to us heard it. I am sure I turned red. Anyway, we made a date the following day to go to a brewery near Union Square. After dinner we went to consumate the deal. Shopping at Bloomingdale's for shoes, and ... She had a tatoo on her lower back, a pierced belly button, and looked very hot, enough to justify her email name.