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Sugar Daddy Diary: Jun 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


She was blond, from Israel, with a cute little accent. We met at one of my favorite restaurants, the Park Avenue Bistro. I met her outside, and as usual there were several people meeting her description that passed by, so I almost walked up to a totally unsuspecting stranger and said hello.
Finally someone walked up to me and offered her hand in a handshake so I figure, yeah that's her.

So we went in and the owner even stopped by and said hello. Nice touch there Frankie, he always makee me feel comfortable in his restaurant. She made the comment that the neighboring table was full of gay people. Good going kiddo, now the whole restaurant heard us. Shucks.
Anyway, we made plans to meet the next day, so I met her outside her apartment building, and we took at taxi to a hotel. She asked me, if this is a hotel where 'regular' people stay at or just 'bang motel'. I told her it was the latter, and that actually turned her on. A little bit of 'dirt' goes a long way I guess.
She had a tatoo on her belly, in the shape of the sun. She was very cold hearted for all her great looks, and the fact that she came from a warm Mediterannean country didn't mater. She was telling me stories about how she dumped her boyfriends that were in love with her, and she wanted to meet me because she was a starving waitress/singer. After we met a couple of times, I called her and she said: "I have a boyfriend now". I wonder how long that poor sap is going to last.
Sometimes I am so glad I was not looking for a relationship.

Baby sitter Michelle

I met aunty Michelle (that's what her baby sitting clients called her!) at a pub near NYU. We had (actually, just me) lots of drinks, and, for some reason, I was nervous and she even asked me about that. What was I nervous about? I didn't know it at the time but now that I look back on it I think it was because I was going to have sex with someone I wasn't all that attracted to. So basically I was forcing myself. But anyway, I just told her I am the type-A person, with lots of energy, that's all. So I found out later that to make ends meet she had a side activity: meeting sugar.
I also found out she had a tongue piercing, and both nipples as well, with a connecting chain in between. I found that totally unattractive to the point where I was getting flacid. Did not repeat.


I had never met an East Indian woman before on a date, so I took the plunge and we met at my favorite Indian restaurant near Rockfeller Center. She was a bit on the overweight side with very long hair, so I wasn't attracted to her but went ahead with the dinner plans anyway. I found out she was a communications major at NYU, all the way from Washington state, and her parents were from India. If they only knew what their daughter is doing in the big city. And Indian parents are pretty conservative! When the discussion turned to sex just casually, I could tell she was breathing a bit more heavily. Interesting, very interesting. She also mentioned that her male roomate at NYU was gay and he was also looking for a sugar daddy! Now that would have been an experience but I passed on both counts, on account that I don't like men and she was quite overweight and not the body type that I like . Nice dinner though.


She was very attractive, skinny, blond, with a British nose (remember, I was raised by English nannies and I know how to tell an English nose,lol). Here is an interesting story. I guess due to my profession in finance, I believe in tit for tat. i.e. everything is negotiated and you don't get something for free. Well, this young beauty wanted me to pay 1,200 to get her car back. So here is the scenario she anticipated: me pulling over after driving 1 hour away from my work, meeting a total stranger, giving her 1,200 and then she takes off. Then, she may consider meeting with me gain, to develop some kind of a relationship. I guess she thought that we all fell off a turnip truck or something. She even said "I will not have sex with you". To which I thought to myself: "If I wanted just friends I would hang out with my beautiful daughter, buy her an ice cream and chat and laugh away all day long, and not waste any time with you".


She came all the way from Austin, TX just to see me. Which was nice. We were emaling to each other for a month. She was a yoga instructor and had a great, slender yet fit body. Didn't do much kissing though, which I think is an absolute must in bed. That, to me is the bigest turn on. And you know, the fact that she did not kiss led me to believe that she ws , at some point in her life, a pro, i.e either a part time escort or a stripper. It's usually those types that don't kiss because it makes the whole thing seem to personal to them. And they avoid that since they are doing this just for the money and not the fun or the personal connection.
Before we met, she had visited a sex shop in the area and bough t apretty large 'marital aid' so we had the opportunity to use that on her and she reached an orgasm. After that she said "Thank you", as if one doesnt do that, or as if she doesnt get that often. That also led me to believe she was an escort. Something about her was remote as if she was somewhere else.
Anyway, she looked like a model and I liked to be seen with her. I only saw her once. I may contact her again, I am finding myself thinking about her lately.

You want what?

Quick update on the engineer: I recently saw her email handle on a SD chatboard just by luck, she had some comments posted there, including a question on how to approach the topic of a monthly allowance. I just can't go for the monthly allowance concept: that allowance is reserved, at least in my old fashioned thinking, for wifes, not girlfriends.

I think she is now dating a grandad. So when I become 60, maybe I can still go out with 22 year olds. There is still hope!
Eva hottie is getting on my nerves: this is the 3rd time she came up with an excuse not to hang out. This time we were supposed to go to one of Danny Meyer's restaurants at 11 Madison Square Park (If any reader is in NY check it out, casual elegance). I had made reservations and it was a big deal. But she never showed. I called her cell, but nothing so I left a voicemail. Next day, I got an email from her saying she slipped and twisted her ankle really bad. It could be true, but knowing her track record she was probably lying. No more of this bull.