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Sugar Daddy Diary: Nov 20, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Hilarious Sugar Baby

I was walking around Times Square after work a couple of days ago and remembered a funny story that happened to me during the summer. There was this sugar baby wanna be that responded to my old ad from Craigslist. She was from Washington State, was British (yes, with an accent!), and she was flying to New York City for a weekend, for a 'hen party'. That means bachelorette party in British. So she had some free time available and wanted to meet a sugar daddy for a day, and maybe turn it into a regular trip to New York for her. I generally don't like out of town sugars but she insisted and even called me on the sugar phone so she can hear my lovely voice. I accepted and agreed to take her to a restaurant she had always wanted to try when she visited New York. We didn't discuss any arrangement, this was going to be only a exploratory meeting between friends having dinner. I was really not interested by the way, but said 'what the hell'.
During dinner I was getting somewhat bored. She is very attractive half English - half Greek background with the exotic looks to match her great accent. I suppose I wasn't in the mood plus not much chemistry, so I couldn't wait to get out of there.
After I took care of the check she said she wanted to be escorted around Times Square by a native so I had to oblige, being a patient gentleman. We even took pictures like a freaking pair of tourists.
And then she dropped the bomb (definitely in the TMI category):
'Oh you know I have my period today, so I will not be able to do anything besides dinner'
'That's fine, its just a dinner between two new friends'
'By the way, how much money do you have on you?'
'Why do you ask?'
'Well, for my companionship'
'But hunny bunny, I can get that for free anytime'
'Oh well, thanks for dinner David, you are lovely company. I would like to start something regular with you. Can you please email me'
'Of course, I will do my best'

And then I left, walking downtown towards my place of residence in a hurry, before she asked me anything else. I couldn't believe she hit me up for cash just like that after the date was almost done and we had a pretty good dinner. We didn't even discuss an arrangement between us, our dinner convo was totally platonic. Do all out of town guests try to mug New Yorkers for money? I thought it was New Yorkers who do the mugging! Oh well, I guess times have changed.