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Sugar Daddy Diary: Oct 3, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Negotiation skills for sugar life

I think one needs some really serious negotiation skills to be successful in the sugar life. Sugar is a more difficult and tricky endeavor than people think. An SD may just think 'oh I will get a nice young lady, buy her some gifts and have some fun while I'm at it'. An SB may think 'oh I will find an older man with money, and get as much as I can out of it'. Both of the above are simplistic and don't take into account the unpredictability of human emotions. One way to attempt and deal with this is to negotiate upfront and put everything out in the open from the beginning. Even then you can be sure that someone somewhere will get hurt, scammed, misunderstood etc.

Look inside you and think real hard why are you doing this.
SD: are you just doing this for the sex and the thrill of it? Is your marriage just a bit dull and you are looking for some simple entertainment? Or are you hoping that by hanging out with someone younger will save your marriage or your sanity in some way. If the later, then you are in trouble. Something as temporary and flighty as sugar will not do it my friend.
SB: you obviously need financial help, otherwise why bother. But have you thought what you are wiling to do for this financial help? How far are you going to take it? Do you plan to just treat this as a date with some other stuff on the side? Or are you a calculating person that is hoping to meet an old geezer in a weak point of his life, take some $ and then run.

Both parties should have a mental list of how far and how much they are willing to do for this lifestyle.

Now that both of you hopefully know what you plan to get out of this, it's time to have a little chat. Best thing is to wait a couple of dates before engaging in sex, as this physical contact may through off your tactics. Those initial dates should just be get to know you, especially if you are looking for something longer term.

Both parties should remember that they are not entitled to anything, period. They are just two strangers meeting up. The SB 'princess' is probably not God's gift to men, and should not expect the world as her oyster just for looking pretty. And the SD should not assume that because he has money that gives him the right to treat someone without money, like they are a member of their staff. If this is a good faith negotiation both sides should come out as winners, getting a good part of what they are looking for.

More comments on the above later... My wife is now my Allowance and Diamond SB (just like it should be). A couple of days ago she asked me for a ring that is several mortgage payments. Like a good SD I promised to think about it... She said that if I don't get it for her, she will just go out and get a job. To which I answered, 'ok, sounds good to me'. And I suspect the negotiation will continue, lol.

Some thoughts on married sugar daddies

Marriage and having a mistress on the side is as old as history itself: controversial yet fun and seductive.

Take a look at a post I put together for the SA blog.


David Montrose